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©1941 Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A. Book
Item #9686
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This item is already sold©1941 Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A. Book
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The pictures show the cover and some sample images from this ©1941 "Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A." Book. The images are great and we wish we could show all of the pages.

This (64) page book has (42) color and black & white aircraft images. There are illustrations as well. There is information on all of them and more. These images are similar to those that were used for old World War II era bubble gum or candy trading cards.

The book is by Thomas Penfield with a forward by Colonel Edgar S. Gorrell and cover illustrtion by Herbert Rudeen. It was published by Rand McNally & Company of Chicago and is part of an American Patriots Series. The following is a long list of the titles and aircraft that are pictured in the book. Perhaps you had flown one of these planes.

The Wings Of The U.S. Navy
Captain E. V. Rickenbacker and the Spad Which He Used in His Aerial Fights
Boeing P-12, First Standard Air Cooled Fighter To Be Used By The Army Air Corps
Curtiss SO3C-1 Navy Scout Observation
Lockheed P-38
Douglas SBD-1 Navy Dive Bomber
Stinson O-49 Army Observation
Vought - Sikorsky XF4U-1 Navy Fighter
Consolidated B-24 Army Heavy Bomber
Curtiss - Wright 21-B Pursuit - Interceptor
Vought - Sikorsky XPBS-1 Navy Patrol Bomber
Martin PBM-1 Navy Patrol Bomber
Cessna AT-8 Army Advanced Trainer
North American O-47B Observation
Bell P-39 Army Pursuit - Interceptor
Republic P-43 Army Pursuit - Interceptor
North American B-25 Army Medium Bomber
Martin B-26 Army Medium Bomber
Vultee Vanguard P-48C Pursuit
Ryan Dragonfly YO-51 Army Observation
Beech JRB-1 Navy Utility Transport
Curtiss XSB2C-1 Navy Dive Bomber
Grumman XF4F-2 Navy Fighter
Lockheed C-40 Army Transport - Cargo
Boeing B-17C Army Heavy Bomber
Douglas TBD-1 Navy Torpedo Bomber
Vought - Sikorsky OS2U-1 Navy Scout Observation
Douglas B-19 Heavy Bomber
Pensacola - Annapolis Of The Air
Douglas A-20A Army Light Bomber
Brewster XF2A-2 Navy Fighter
Consolidated PB2Y-2 Navy Patrol Bomber
Northrop N-3PB Patrol Bomber
Curtiss SBC-4 Navy Dive Bomber
Ryan PT-20A Army Primary Trainer
Curtiss P-40 Army Pursuit - Interceptor
Fairchild PT-19 Army Primary Trainer
Fleetwings XBT-12 Army Basic Trainer
North American AT-6A Army Advanced Trainer

The book measures about 5-3/8" x 6-3/4". The cover is in very good condition with some light wear. The pages are all clean.

Click on image to zoom.
©1941 Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A. Book ©1941 Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A. Book ©1941 Wings For America - Fighting Planes Of The U.S.A. Book

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