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Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
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(3) Old Cowboy & Indian Costume Photographs
Item #6435
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This item is already sold(3) Old Cowboy & Indian Costume Photographs
Native American Indian   Cowboy   Western   Costume   Halloween   Photo   Photograph   Photography   Nostalgic
The picture shows all (3) Old Cowboy & Indian Costume Photographs in this lot. All three of these photos are of the same boy. He is standing on a granite block wall with trees in the background. Two of the photos have him dressed in a full Native American Indian outfit or costume. He is holding a hatchet in both of them.

The third photo has the boy dressed in a cowboy outfit or costume. He has a lasso or rope in this one. These aren't dated but they came with a group of 1910's to 1930's photographs. The backs of all three are marked as follows:


They each measure about 3-1/8" x 4-1/4". The images are clear and they are in excellent condition. The cowboy photo has the very tips of the bottom two corners gone and each has some black scrap book paper stuck near the corners on the back.

Click on image to zoom.
(3) Old Cowboy & Indian Costume Photographs

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