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Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
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(20) Small Puzzles / Games
Item #6896
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This item is already sold(20) Small Puzzles / Games
Puzzle   Dexterity   Palm Puzzle   Game   Nostalgic
The picture shows all (20) Small Puzzles / Games in this lot. Some are old and some are newer.

There is a boxed DRUEKE'S SOLITAIRE game. It has a wooden game board with pegs inside a compartment in the bottom. There are instructions for seven solutions.

There are two different marble games / puzzles.

There are (2) Rubick's Cubes.

There is a BAFFLERS dexterity puzzle.

There is a wooden CRAZY CUBES puzzle with packaging.

There is an "H" puzzle in an envelope.

There is a 1938 Whitman miniature puzzle book.

There is a "ONE-TWENTY PUZZLE" with instruction card.

There are (10) more slide puzzles. Two more of these have numbers, one has a Halloween scene, one a panda bear, one a dragon, one a dog, one an alien, and three others are two sided.

All of these for one price! To judge the sizes the marbles puzzle at the top measures 12-5/8" long. These vary from good to mint condition.

Click on image to zoom.
(20) Small Puzzles / Games

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