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New Yorker Magazine - August 14, 1971 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - August 14, 1971 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the August 14, 1971 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Ilonka Karasz
Publication Date: August 14, 1971
Page Count: 88 pages
In this issue:

Fiction Sex Tips by Garrison Keillor. The story is written in a question & answer format, with the author taking the part of Harley Peters, U.S Dept. of Agriculture Extension Sex Agent. The 1st question concerns sex education. Peters' position is that "Sex is learning how to listen, sex is learning how to look at other...

The Talk of the Town Planting by Lillian Ross. Talk story about the plants in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The writer watched while 3 young men from the Parker Planting Service of Scotch Plains, N.J. removed the evergreens & replaced them with Chinese hibiscus trees, petunias, ageratum, & marigolds...

The Talk of the Town by R. Lembach. Overheard at the water's edge on a Jersey beach, elderly lady to elderly lady: "This year, I simply don't know what to collect...

Fiction The Baluchitherium by John Updike. The largest mammal that ever lived on land was the Baluchitherium, which stood 18 ft. high at the shoulders. Remains of the animal were 1st discovered in 1911 by C. Forster-Cooper of the British Museum. Writer recently had the pleasure of interviewing the creature, through a technical process involving...

Fiction The Position of the Planets by Penelope Gilliatt. The impresario is a business failure who believes (or wants to) that his luck is about to change because an astrologist friend, Oliver Craddock, told him it would. His wife died about a year ago, but he still refers to her in the present tense. He meets a girl in...

Comment by Richard Harris. A week or so ago, after making a circuit of the earth, the 3 astronauts headed for the moon. At the same time. the Vice-President, after making a circuit of the earth, headed for home. For the sake of diplomacy & rhetoric, the destinations of the 2 parties should...

The Talk of the Town Luncheonette by Susan Sheehan. Talk story about Marty's Luncheonette, at 232 Sherman Ave., near 207th St. Marty & Esther Rubin have operated the luncheonette for 25 years. Marty & Esther's sister, Gussie Markowitz, open the luncheonette at 7:30 A.M. while Esther stays home & cooks. Marty picks up her and the food about 10:30...

Dept. of Amplification by Thomas Whiteside. DEPT. OF AMPLIFICATION about the herbicide 2, 4, 5-T, widely used as a defoliant in S. Vietnam by U.S. military forces. The Geneva Protocol of 1925, signed by 80-odd nations, including the Soviet Union, England, France, & most of the major powers, but not by the US, prohibits...

The Sporting Scene DEAUVILLE by Fred J. Feldkamp. THE SPORTING SCENE about Deauville, a French resort on the Normandy coast, which, in August, is the major scene of operations for the Paris horseracing circuit. Describes Deauville's 1970 season & tells about the history of the resor & those associated with its founding & operation since. Deauville's most important...

Profiles CONSTABLE by John Bainbridge. PROFILE of London Metropolitan Police Force Constable Peter Roland Sawyer, who is attached to central London's Chelsea police station. Tells about Sawyer & the British police system. Writer accompanied Sawyer on his beat in hope of discovering some of the reasons why 90% of Britishers believe their police are friendly...

The Talk of the Town Concert by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about Ali Akbar Khan, the noted Indian sarodist, who arrived in N.Y. to participate in George Harrison's 2 Sunday concerts at Madison Square Garden. The sarode is only one of the many instruments which Mr. Khan plays...

The Talk of the Town Concert by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about George Harrison's Sunday-evening concert at Madison Square Garden. It was one of two concerts which together raised something around a quarter of a million dollars for the George Harrison & Ravi Shankar Special Emergency Relief Fund for Displaced Persons of Bangla Desh, which will be administered...

Comment by Berton Roueche. A Long Island commuter we know has sent us the following communication: "I drove into town the other morning through the usual barrage of belligerent bumper stickers. You know what I mean--'Fight Communism,' 'Power to the People,' 'Dixie, Love It or Leave It,' 'If You Don't Like the Police...

Poetry Hunger-Trace by John Peck. Turn, let your nakedness reassume...

Poetry By the Willamette by Vern Rutsala. All day the frantic...

Poetry His Master's Voice by John Hollander. Along the golden track...

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New Yorker Magazine - August 14, 1971 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz

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