Who's The Real Cap'n? sweepstakes clue #1 unopened packet. It contains 3-D glasses, a game sheet with 3-D images, and an unassembled game spinner.
©1991 assembled yellow plastic zip top.
Unopened & unassembled Cap'n's Cam viewer camera with cartoon film strips.
©1991 unopened Cap'n Crunch blue plastic pencil topper (?).
©1990 yellow plastic spinner top. The sticker has Cap'n Crunch.
©1989 Cap'n Crunch Character blue plastic figure squirter.
Assembled blue plastic world globe with stickers.
Glow in the Dark Cap'n Crunch character flying disk. The piece that you flick this disk with is missing.
©1986 Cap'n Crunch character plastic figure.
©1986 Robot character plastic figure.