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New Yorker Magazine - July 16, 1979 - Cover by Laura Jean Allen
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - July 16, 1979 - Cover by Laura Jean Allen
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the July 16, 1979 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Laura Jean Allen
Publication Date: July 16, 1979
Page Count: 108 pages
In this issue:

Comment by Suzannah Lessard. The hatred of the Vietnamese for the Chinese in their midst, of the Vietnamese for the Cambodians, and vice versa, and of the Cambodians for some of their own citizens, including many ethnic Chinese, and the callousness of the Thais toward the Cambodians fleeing into their country & of the...

The Talk of the Town Rio by Kennedy Fraser. Talk story about jogging with a woman friend and hearing about her trip to Rio de Janeiro. She'd arrived back an hour ago and experienced no jet lag as the time difference is only an hour. She talks about what she saw there: hang-gliders, conical green mountains, the beautiful...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. It is one of the peculiarities of most historical events that no one ever really knows why they occurred Unlike events in the natural world, historical events seem to emerge from an impenetrable obscurity. To this rule, however, the present energy crisis is an exception It can be said with...

Fiction Trust Me by John Updike. Writer recalls his father teaching him to swim when he was a boy. He jumped into the water, expecting his father to catch him, and his father let him fall in to see if he would stay afloat. His mother slapped his father for doing this. The writer's wife dreaded...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

Annals of Medicine LIVE AND LET LIVE by Berton Roueche. ANNALS OF MEDICINE about a case of Wilson's disease that was misdiagnosed as a functional disorder. Carol Terry began to suffer the symptoms of the disease in 1971, when she was 25, and was treated by psychiatrists in Salt Lake City with drugs such as Thorazine, Valium, L -dopa, and...

The Talk of the Town Micro by Wallace White. Talk story about the Microcar, a new three-wheeled vehicle, 76 inches long, 36 inches wide, that was recently unveiled for the press. It is the invention of a Manhattan art collector named Stuart Pivar. It sells for around $1200. Mr. Pivar said the vehicle is now being produced by...

Profiles MAMAJI by Ved Mehta. PROFILE of the writer's mother, Shanti Devi Mehta, born Aug. 16, 1908...

Affairs of State by Richard H. Rovere. In the last 3 decades the stated aim of the military establishment has been the maintenance of "national security". In the Senate hearings on SALT II witnesses can be counted on to say that "national security" demands acceptance of his views. Tells about the various views. Writer says no treaty...

The Talk of the Town Museum Mile by Wallace White. Talk story about the first of what is expected to be a series of annual street festivals. It was part of a cooperative program called Museum Mile through which the museums and other cultural institutions on upper Fifth Ave. from about 79th St. to the top of Central Park hope...

Fiction Across A Crowded Room by Barbara Pym. A woman in her sixties is invited to attend an annual dinner at an Oxford college, as the guest of her friend George. Of 80 or so guests, only a couple are women. She has polite conversation with a youngish American male academic and then, while talking, sees across the...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

The Current Cinema NO IDEAL by Susan Lardner.

The Talk of the Town Tryin' One by Ian Frazier. Talk story about watching the Pepsi-Cola/NBA Hotshot, a basketball recreation program, at the Annunciation Playground at 135th St. & Amsterdam Avenue. In this program almost 3 million boys and girls see who in their age group (9-12, 13-15, 16-18) can make the most points shooting baskets from a...

Jazz by Whitney Balliett.

Poetry Five Poems by Nicholas Christopher. He's always thought of as a very young man...

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New Yorker Magazine - July 16, 1979 - Cover by Laura Jean Allen

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