| Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | | | Quality Merchandise At Reasonable Prices | Great memories make great gifts! | Unique & Fun Nostalgic Items | Fast Dependable Service | You don't have to be an eight year old to enjoy having a childhood treasure. | It's never too late to have a happy childhood! | Worldwide Sales | |
| | | The picture shows all (6) Different Old Brass Western Hero Premium Coins in this lot. I don't know where these coins came from or how many are in the set, but I was told they might be a premium. The picture shows both sides of all six included in the lot. Included are (as pictured left to right): Kit Carson Bat Masterson Wild Bill Hickok Wyatt Earp Meriwether Lewis William Clark They each measure 1" wide, made of brass and in near mint condition. |
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