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New Yorker Magazine - August 23, 1982 - Cover by Saul Steinberg
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New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the August 23, 1982 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Saul Steinberg
Publication Date: August 23, 1982
Page Count: 94 pages
In this issue:

The Theatre Off Broadway by Edith Oliver.

The Current Cinema Neutered by Pauline Kael.

The Talk of the Town Street Music by Lillian Ross. Talk story about the street muscians playing at lunch hour along Fifth Avenue. The writer talks to a young woman playing the bagpipes between 51st and 52nd Streets. On the edge of Central Park, the writer listens to a guitar-and-piano combo called Hot Duck Sauce. At the edge...

Musical Events Music of Time by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town Aerial by James Stevenson. Illustrated Talk story about aerial passagewaysNgenerally an enclosed bridgeNwhich connect buildings in New York City. They come in various sizes and architectural styles. Bloomingdale Boulevard, which crosses Sixtieth Street between Lexington and Third, is a good example of the simple, straightforward, and dull. An important-looking bridge in the S.S...

The Talk of the Town Coney Island Home by William Franzen. Talk story about a two-story house in the Coney Island section of Brooklyn that is directly under two loops of the Thunderbolt roller coaster in the amusement section of Coney Island. The writer visits May Timpano, a woman in her 50's, who lives on the top floor. The...

Profiles THE INTEGRATIONIST by Nat Hentoff. PROFILE of Kenneth Clark, black psychologist and educator. He was mentioned in a footnote in the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka as a "modern authority" supporting the Court's conclusion that segregation in the public schools generates in Negro children "a feeling of inferiority...that...

Books Wodehousehold by Peter De Vries.

Fiction Hortense by Lou Myers. Leon, a poor young man living in the Bronx during the depression, tells about his attempts to find and keep a job, his family and the boarders they take in and his dates with Hortense Beecher, a rich girl. The story is a series of vignettes centering around these three...

The Talk of the Town A Summer Conversation by Daniel Menaker. Talk story about a conversation with a girl of ten or eleven in Ireland, as told by a friend who is spending his vacation in a stone cottage he rented in County Cork, in southwesternmost Ireland. He says the fields are dotted here and there with cows and he's ashamed...

Comment by Patti Hagan. We have a city friend who anticipates her equinoxes ceremoniously. By late August, she is well into her annual deadheading of the summer season. This woman, an adoptive New Yorker, with a prejudice for vacant lots, which she calls weedlots, prefers inner-city wild flowers to the ones in the...

Fiction The Wisdom of "Rocky", Volume II by Alex Heard. This piece parodies the popular movies "Rocky", "Rocky II" and "Rocky III" by taking excerps of conversations from an imagined number of movies "Rocky XXI" thru "Rocky XXXIX". The original Rocky movies are about a poor Italian kid from the slums of Philadelphia who rises against incredible odds to become...

Poetry Under the Boathouse by David Bottoms. Out of my clothes, I ran past the boathouse...

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New Yorker Magazine - August 23, 1982 - Cover by Saul Steinberg

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