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New Yorker Magazine - March 4, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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New Yorker Magazine - March 4, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the March 4, 1974 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: March 4, 1974
Page Count: 116 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town Tapestry by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about members preview of the new exhibit, "Masterpieces of Tapestry from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century," at the Met. Mus. of Art. Upstairs could be seen 97 tapestries in rough chronological order, a new film on the Cloister's set of Unicorn Tapestries and a Swedish weaver demonstrating...

Profiles THE ROSE IN THE EYE LOOKED PRETTY FINE by Calvin Tomkins. PROFILE of artist Georgia O'Keeffe, 86, who lives in New Mexico. Tells about her past, her painting, her marriage to Alfred Stieglitz, & her life in New Mexico. O'Keeffe was born in Wisconsin, went to Chatham, left the Chicago Art Institute because she had typhoid, & enrolled in the N.Y...

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. The winner of the General George Stakes at Bowie was Edward Schaprs' Sharp Gary...

Letter from Washington by Richard H. Rovere. Despite disappointment that a Democrat won Vice-President Gerald Ford's seat in Michigan, White House sources report that Richard Nixon's spirits have lifted of late and he is in splendid trim for the coming battles over impeachment. In the polls the "disapproval" rate is a bit lower and a few...

Jazz by Whitney Balliett.

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Fiction The Chance by Berry Morgan. A woman patient in a mental hospital is allowed to have a broom to clean her ward. As she's dependable she receives permission to clean other wards & she has access to keys. Because the regular cleaner is ill, she sweeps the men's ward, where she meets a young boy...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. A single newscast brought the American people their first glimpse of Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the West and Sec. of State Henry Kissinger's reaction to S's arrival. The careers of the two men are closely linked ...bound up with an evolution that each man has acknowledged in his own way...: the...

Musical Events by Shaw Shawe-Taylor.

Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes. On February 28, England will chose a new government. Many feel that the Prime Minister selected a bad time for calling an election amid the recent problems which have plagued England, namely; the miner's strike, the soaring food and petrol prices, and the instability of Heath's Conservative leadership. There is...

The Talk of the Town New House by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about accompanying architect Henry Korman to see a house he is building. Writer got up early and the two of them drove out to Riverhead, L. I. where they had breakfast. The house is on the Sound, on top of a 150-foot sand cliff, in a little...

The Talk of the Town Dialogue by Wallace White. Talk story about Roberto Rossellini, who is currently giving a course entitled, "Dialogues with Roberto Rossellini," at the New School. Rossellini is a retired filmaker who is now doing historical documentaries for television...

Fiction A Hill In Southern England by Ted Walker. A middle-aged couple, whose marriage has soured through the years, takes a drive in Southern England to visit some friends. They go by way of the small town where Cal, the husband, grew up. The trip calls forth recollections for Cal of his boyhood and adolescence in the small...

The Current Cinema by Pauline Kael. Full-column review of "The Mother and the Whore", written & directed by Jean Eustache...

Poetry Spring Train by Alan Williamson. In spring one notices the trains more...

Poetry A Happy Survival by Elizabeth Libbey. She breaks the best fan shell...

Poetry Rainier by Bill Buford. Lifting the icy flakes...

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New Yorker Magazine - March 4, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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