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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 664 items matching NOS Frame
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1937 Perkins Product Company Kool - Aid Drink Mix Color Advertisement
Kool-Aid   Soft Drink   Beverage   Advertising   Nostalgic
#0559    Sold.   details...
1939 Perkins Product Company Kool - Aid Drink Mix Color Advertisement
Kool-Aid   Soft Drink   Beverage   Advertising   Nostalgic
#0560    Sold.   details...
1942 Perkins Product Company Kool - Aid Drink Mix Color Advertisement
Kool-Aid   Soft Drink   Beverage   Advertising   General Store   Nostalgic
#0561    Sold.   details...
Old World War II Navy Sailor Photo In A Velvet Service Star Frame
United States   America   American   Americana   U.S. Navy   Sailor   Veteran   Frame   Home Front   Sweet Heart   Military   Photo   Photograph   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   History   Historic
#0791    Sold.   details...
(5) 1940 "GONE WITH THE WIND" Movie Ticket Stubs
Gone With The Wind   Movie   Theatre   Ticket Stub   Nostalgic   Memorabilia
#1353    Sold.   details...
(4) 1940s Movie Theatre Programs
Movie   Film   Theatre   Actress   Actor   Nostalgic
#1860    Sold.   details...
(4) 1940's Movie Theatre Programs
Movie   Film   Theatre   Actress   Actor   Nostalgic
#1861    Sold.   details...
(10) Old Niagara Falls Advertising Souvenir Items
Niagara Falls   Waterfall   Tourist   Tourism   Travel   Souvenir   New York   Canada   Novelty   Nostalgic
#1862    Sold.   details...
(2) Different General Mills Cereal Premium / Prize Flicker Picture Wallets
Cereal   Prize   Premium   Flicker   Lenticular   Advertising Character   Nostalgic   Toy
#1924    Sold.   details...
1961 ALDENS Christmas Wish Book / Catalog
Aldens   Catalog   Wish Book   Christmas   Toy   Advertising   Nostalgic
#2182    Sold.   details...
1931 Rin-Tin-Tin / Ken-L-Ration Advertising Premium Photograph
Rin Tin Tin   Dog   Dog Food   Advertising   Premium   Character   Hero   Radio   Television   TV   Photo   Photograph   Photography
#2450    Sold.   details...
(17) Small Cowboy Hero Items
Hopalong Cassidy   Hoppy   William Boyd   Lone Ranger   Gene Autry   Cowboy Hero   West   Western   Character   Nostalgic
#2496   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Nice Colorful 1969 Fairchild Puzzle, Game, & Card Game Catalog
Catalog   Character   Jig Saw   Puzzle   Game   Card   Novelty   Television   TV   Display   Sign   Advertising   Package   Packaging   Paper   Nostalgic
#6039   $59.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
(30) Kenner Give A Show Projector Slides
Cartoon   Comic   Character   Kenner   Slide   Television   TV   Nostalgic
#6041    Sold.   details...
(9) 1940's Rochester, New Hampshire Scenic Theatre Photographs
Popcorn   Movie   Theater   Actor   Actress   Poster   Rochester   New Hampshire   Historic   Nostalgic
#6154    Sold.   details...
©1970 Mattel / Monogram Model Kit Pocket Catalog
Mattel   Monogram   Model Kit   Hot Rod   Auto   Automobile   Automotive   Catalog   Nostalgic
#6231    Sold.   details...
(8) 1953 S.S. UNITED STATES Paper Items
S.S. United States   S.S. America   Ship   Ocean Liner   Flagship   Nautical   Tourist   Tourism   America   England   Advertising   Souvenir   Cruise Ship   Historic   Newspaper   Nostalgic
#6387    Sold.   details...
1937 35mm Filmstrip Entitled "Jack Armstrong In Africa"
Jack Armstrong   Character   Hero   Radio   Radio Premium   Wheaties   Cereal   Africa   Black Memorabilia   Jungle   Elephant   Animal   Film   Movie   Photo   Photograph   Photography   Nostalgic
#6436    Sold.   details...
Old 16mm Charlie Chaplin Silent Movie Film Entitled: "THE CAVE MAN"
Charlie Chaplin   Comedian   Comedy   Silent Film   Movie   Caveman   Keystone   Nostalgic
#6437    Sold.   details...
(2) Old Boxed 8mm Character Comedy Films
Comedy   Character   Movie   Film   Television   TV   Comedian   Comedy   Nostalgic
#6438    Sold.   details...
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