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(4) 1946 - 1947 Advertising Calendar Booklets
Item #7250
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This item is already sold(4) 1946 - 1947 Advertising Calendar Booklets
Artist   Advertising   Premium   Americana   Western   Paper   Calendar   Ephemera   Hunting   Nostalgic
The picture shows the covers of all (4) 1946 - 1947 Advertising Calendar Booklets in this lot. These were made by Brown & Bigelow of St. Paul Minnesota. They have nice sepiatone images. The original artwork appear to have been etchings. These were used as a post World War II advertising premium.

These are all from the same company and there are two different styles in this lot. Two have a single calendar month and the other two have two calendar months each. There is a different advertisement on the inside cover of each of these. The inside pages and backs are blank. The advertising section is different, but basically says the same thing. They read as follows:

EST. 1881
TEL. LIBerty 6100

The first booklet is for the month of December 1946. It has an image of two grouse or pheasants flying in front of a farm barn scene. The original was an etching and the Artist name is R. H. Palenske. This artwork is entitled: "FRIGHTENED". There is some corner damage as can be seen in the picture.

The second booklet is for the month of January 1947. It has an image of a large elk being attacked by a pack of wolves or coyotes. The original was an etching and the Artist name is R. H. Palenske. This artwork is entitled: "CLOSING IN". There is some corner damage as can be seen in the picture.

The third booklet is for the months of May / June 1947. It has an image of a horse bucking and camping gear flying with a cowboy on the left. The original was an etching and the Artist name is R. H. Palenske. This artwork is entitled: "BREAKING CAMP".

The fourth booklet is for the months of September / October 1947. It has an image of a duck hunter in his boat throwing out his decoy ducks. There are dark clouds over this duck hunting scene. The original was an etching and the Artist name is R. H. Palenske. This artwork is entitled: "DECOYS, DO YOUR STUFF".

All of these for one price! These booklets measure 4-1/2" x 8". These are all unused and range from good to near mint condition.

Click on image to zoom.
(4) 1946 - 1947 Advertising Calendar Booklets

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