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New Yorker Magazine - October 29, 1979 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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New Yorker Magazine - October 29, 1979 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the October 29, 1979 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: October 29, 1979
Page Count: 180 pages
In this issue:

Fiction Greenwich Time by Ann Beattie. Tom, who works for an advertising agency in New York, is divorced. His ex-wife, Amanda, lives in Greenwich, Connecticut with their child, Ben, and with the man she left Tom for and is now married to. Tom skips work one day to go to Greenwich and ask her if...

The Talk of the Town The Hurling by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about watching a hurling match at Gaelic Park at Broadway and 240th Street, in the Bronx. Hurling is the national sport of Ireland and once a year there is a Sunday hurling match at Gaelic Park between the Irish championship team of the year and a team of...

A Reporter at Large ONCE AND FUTURE FUEL by Barry Commoner. REPORTER AT LARGE about the energy crisis. Since last July there is a new energy plan. Pres. Carter proposed a massive commitment of funds & resources to develop alternative sources of fuel. It is proposed to spend about 140 billion dollars, almost 2/3 of it for the production of "synthetic...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Fiction A Man Called Jose by Veronica Geng. Satire on U.S. discovery of Russian troops in Cuba: There was a swift, almost liquid beauty to the Neva River yesterday ... but Ivan and Igor and two to three thousand other Russians were not there to see it now. They were in Cuba, wearing uniforms and inarching and being photographed...

The Talk of the Town U.N. Envoy by E. J. Kahn. Talk story about Donald McHenry, new American Ambassador to the United Nations. McHenry first became known to the general public when he acted as chief American negotiator with the Soviets at Kennedy Airport while Bolshoi ballerina Ludmila Vlasova was detained for 72 hours, to make sure she was leaving the...

Our Far-Flung Correspondents NOTES FROM A SPANISH VILLAGE by Alastair Reid. OUR FAR-FLUNG CORRESPONDENTS about the new Spain, after Franco, and the writer's stay in his house in a small, Spanish village. The writer returns to his house in the mountain village after an absence of more than 2 years; much has changed in Spain. The changes in the village...

The Talk of the Town Convocation by Jonathan Schell. Talk story about a visit to Riverside Church to attend workshops in a convocation called "How to Reverse the Arms Race". Mentions some of the panelists & speakers who were familiar from anti-Vietnam War days. A familiar leadership seemed to have found a new issue with a new set...

The Current Cinema Contretemps by Renata Adler. Review of "The Marriage of Maria Braun" and mention of "In a Year of 13 Moons", both directed by the German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder...

The Current Cinema CONTRETEMPS by Renata Adler.

Around City Hall Visitors by Andy Logan. Lately, there has been a steady influx of famous visitors here, in the city's best year for tourism in the decade. Pres. Carter, Sen. Edward Kennedy, Pres. Fidel Castro, and Pope John Paul II were among such visitors, who also included Jane Fonda and husband Tom Hayden, in town for...

Books by Helen Vendler.

Jazz by Whitney Balliett.

The Talk of the Town River by David Roe. Talk story about the Smith River in Montana and professional fishing guide Fred Tedesco. Tedesco gives fishing tours on the Smith to 40-50 people per year. Passengers are required to unhook, and release, any trout they catch as the number of trout in the Smith, considered one of the Rockies...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

Comment by William Shawn. Obituary of S. J. Perelman, who died Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 75. He wrote humor pieces for "The New Yorker" for a total of 49 years - pieces that eventually mounted into the hundreds...

U. S. Journal NATURAL by Calvin Trillin. U.S. JOURNAL: BEDFORD, IND. about plans to build an Indiana Limestone Tourist and Demonstration Center on a site that overlooks two of the largest limestone quarries in the world. It's planned to construct a pyramid of limestone. This was the idea of Merle Edington, the pres. of the Bedford Chamber...

Poetry In This Light by Michael Borich. A mother rises startled...

Poetry At Puako, Kohala by Steven Goldsberry. Before the wind rises, the land...

Poetry Sonnet by Elizabeth Bishop. Caught--the bubble...

Poetry Five Poems by Philip Levine. Dark-brown pinstripe, the trousers shirts, socks, and underclothes . . . That...

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New Yorker Magazine - October 29, 1979 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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