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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 14 items matching Honey Nut
Old Unused York Honey - Nut 5c Candy Bar Advertising Ink Pen Blotter
Candy Bar   Advertising   Ink Pen Blotter   Paper   Ephemera
#0876   $14.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Large 1910's ZIG - ZAG Confections Store Advertising Display Honeycomb Fan
Zig Zag   Candy   Confection   Advertising   Premium   Dealer Incentive   Display   Sign   Toy
#6149    Sold.   details...
(4) Old Ice Cream Related Trade Publication Items
Ice Cream   Dairy   Concession   Advertising   Reference   Nostalgic
#6686    Sold.   details...
(4) Different Unopened General Mills Cereal Advertising Character Magnets
General Mills   Cereal   Advertising   Character   Cartoon   Comic   Magnet   Nostalgic
#6947    Sold.   details...
(4) Different Unopened General Mills Cereal Advertising Character Magnets
General Mills   Cereal   Advertising   Character   Cartoon   Comic   Magnet   Nostalgic
#9469    Sold.   details...
(4) Walt Disney 101 Dalmatians Cheerios Cereal Prize Maze Dexterity Puzzles
Walt Disney   101 Dalmatians   Dog   Canine   Character   Animation   Cartoon   Movie   Film   Television   TV   Advertising   General Mills   Cheerios   Cereal   Prize   Premium   Maze   Dexterity   Puzzle   Game   Novelty   Nostalgic   Toy
#g445   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
April 1969 Jack &: Jill Children's Magazine
Jack & Jill   Magazine   Children   Character   Advertising   Puzzle   Game   Activity   Story   Nostalgic   Easter   Holiday
#g542   $14.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
Unused Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Advertising Character Buzz Bee Premium Tea Spoon
Honey Nut Cheerios   Cheerios   Cereal   General Mills   Advertising   Promotional   Character   Buzz Bee   Bee   Insect   Cartoon   Comic   Television   TV   Premium   Prize   Spoon   Novelty   Nostalgic
#h240   $14.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(15) Old R. L Stine Goosebumps Character Scary Story Related Items
R. L. Stine   Goosebumps   Character   Monster   Horror   Hologram   Toy   Booklet   Advertising   Promotional   Pog   Cereal   Prize   Premium   Cheerios   Pepsi   Doritos   Potato Chip
#h764    Sold.   details...
(3) Unopened 1980s Cheerios Canadian Cereal Prize Skateboard Gang Stickers
General Mills   Cheerios   Canada   Canadian   Cereal   Food   Prize   Premium   Skateboard   Sports   Sticker   Decal   Novelty   Nostalgic   Toy   Mattel   Advertising   Cartoon   Comic   Character   Trading Card Card   Paper   Ephemera
#j126    Sold.   details...
(5) Different Old General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios Advertising Cereal Prize Toys
General Mills   Cheerios   Honey Nut   Cereal   Food   Advertising   Prize   Premium   Toy   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   3-D   Comic   Comic Book   Cartoon   Character   Bee   Tattoo   Decal   Pencil
#j147    Sold.   details...
(17) Old General Mills Lucky Charms Leprechaun Advertising and Cereal Prize Toys
General Mills   Lucky Charms   Lucky   Leprechaun   Cereal   Prize   Premium   Promotional   Advertising   Advertisement   Coupon   Character   PEZ   Candy   Dispenser   Container   Game   Flying Saucer   Frisbee   Magic   Magician   Novelty   Nostalgic   Toy   Fortune Teller   Novelty   Nostalgic   Patch   Paper   Ephemera   Irish   Ireland
#n034   $24.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
(5) Unused ©1998 Coca Cola Soda Discount Advertising Card Packets
United States   America   American   Americana   Coca Cola   Coke   Cola   Soda   Pop   Drink   Beverage   Soft Drink   Advertising   Promotion   Promotional   Prize   Premium   Video   Store   Restaurant   Fast Food   Pizza   Food   Amusement Park   Mall   Auto Race   Racing   Card   Novelty   Nostalgic   Vintage   History   Historic
#o657   $19.99+ $7 shipping & handling.   details...
New Yorker Magazine - August 6, 1984 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
#sny19840806   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
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